Friday, June 22, 2012

Big Harry Audacious Goals (BHAGs)

Am I the only one who starts blogs with one or two posts, and high hopes, and quickly abandons them?  This blog was to be about my return to running...about my return to running successes...about PRs, weight loss, and success.  At least that's what the post from Dec 1 says.  (BTW: I am typing this post on the evening of June 22 in case it doesn't get posted for another 6 months)

OK, so that's not happening...If the last 2 weeks are any indication, I may FINALLY be on my way back into the running/fitness game! This is not the time to get too excited or set too many high expectations, although I would appreciate any encouragement that you have to offer, but things are certainly trending in the right direction. Why you ask?  Keep reading.

Pedaling for Kicks Metric Century Ride (62 miles): Not only did I register it, but I did so while not riding my bike, or running, and I did so less than 4 weeks before the event!  INSANE!  Well maybe it is a bit crazy, and maybe there is a risk of injury, but after both paying the modest entry fee, and letting everyone who would listen know how insane I was, something happened--I became highly motivated again!

The ride is July 7th.  To date I've completed on 30+ mile ride and one 20+ mile ride.  as well as a few 10-15 mile rides.   I'm a bit nervous about the distance, but the 30 miler last weekend has started building some confidence.  I think I may actually be able to pull this off!

Just to make it more interesting, I've also started running again, and have a 5K on June 30th which I expect to run MUCH SLOWER than my prior 5Ks but still hope to go sub 30 minutes.  While I also considered running the park to park 5 mile race on July 4th, I think I am going to forego that one this year.

I'll report back on how the upcoming events go.  I'm hoping for success... for a new baseline... for a place to build from.  Getting started is ALWAYS the hardest part, while keeping the momentum is so much easier.  BHAGs (Big Harry Audacious Goals) are what it takes for me to get motivated.  This time, that happens to be a 100km bike ride.

Until next time--Get out there and go after a BHAG.  You might just surprise yourself!